November 7 - VBTC Kick-Off
November 8 - Guest Blogging at Live To Read
November 10 - Guest Blogging at Book Reader Addicts
November 13 -Interview & Review at A Little Sanity
November 14 - Release Day Guest Blogging at Wise Words
November 15 -Interviewed at Unnecessary Musings
November 17 -Interviewed at Reviews & Interviews
November 18 - Interviewed at Ami Blackwelder's Blog
November 22 -Author Spotlight at Assisting Authors
November 23 -Guest Blogging & Review at Faerotic Prose
November 29 - TBA
December 1 - Guest Blogging at From The Mind of Omegia
December 4 - Guest Blogging at Ink-Puddle
November 8 - Guest Blogging at Live To Read
November 10 - Guest Blogging at Book Reader Addicts
November 13 -Interview & Review at A Little Sanity
November 14 - Release Day Guest Blogging at Wise Words
November 15 -Interviewed at Unnecessary Musings
November 17 -Interviewed at Reviews & Interviews
November 18 - Interviewed at Ami Blackwelder's Blog
November 22 -Author Spotlight at Assisting Authors
November 23 -Guest Blogging & Review at Faerotic Prose
November 29 - TBA
December 1 - Guest Blogging at From The Mind of Omegia
December 4 - Guest Blogging at Ink-Puddle
Shadows of Pain

Revenge is sweet….unless you are on the receiving end of it.
“Do you know of anyone who would want…you dead?”
Officer Daniel Jenkins was no stranger to the dangers his job posed but usually he knew who was trying to kill him. Being stalked was a completely different ball game, and he wasn’t sure there were any rules…
“…I need you.”
Terrified didn’t even begin to describe how Kami felt with the stalker targeting her. As an FBI agent you were trained to handle stressful situations, but being the victim put the whole process in a different light.
As the killer gets closer, so do Kami and Daniel, but will they live long enough to see their love bloom?
Only God can save them from this unknown killer…
“Do you know of anyone who would want…you dead?”
Officer Daniel Jenkins was no stranger to the dangers his job posed but usually he knew who was trying to kill him. Being stalked was a completely different ball game, and he wasn’t sure there were any rules…
“…I need you.”
Terrified didn’t even begin to describe how Kami felt with the stalker targeting her. As an FBI agent you were trained to handle stressful situations, but being the victim put the whole process in a different light.
As the killer gets closer, so do Kami and Daniel, but will they live long enough to see their love bloom?
Only God can save them from this unknown killer…
Ashley's Bookshelf
1) What inspires your writing, your muse?
In the beginning it was a dream that was just so vivid and real to me that I had to write it down. From that, I just fell in love with the characters and felt they each had a story to tell. The focus of one book may be a certain two characters with problems but the next book about their best friends with different issues. I use family and friends to get ideas for character's emotions and feelings. So if one of my characters is having a bad day in the book, you can bet it is because one of my family members--or possibly I--was as well!
2) If you couldn't write, what would you do?
I would continue to work as a Legal Secretary and raise my two kids. The kids are by far the more challenging job but also the most rewarding!
3) Who is your favorite author? Book?
My favorite book is the Bible :) But for fiction, I'd say Irene Hannon is my favorite author and her book 'In Harm's Way' is my favorite. She has a wonderful writing style and mixes suspense, romance and faith just right!
4) When did you know you wanted to be a writer?
I have always written things down but when I was nineteen, I had my dream that was so vivid that I had to write it down. I guess it was then that I HAD to write and after that book was finished was when I actually considered myself an author.
5) Have you gone the traditional route? Indie route? or both?
I've done both. I did a traditional publish with my first book Shadows From The Past and I did Indie with Shadows of Suspicion. I have to say in print, I much prefer doing the Indie route. It fit me much better. I did publish all three of my books in ebook form through Suspense Publishing and I couldn't ask for better publishers than they are!
6) What advice can you give for writers out there looking to promote?
Help others. I mean really get out there and help other authors. You can review their books either on your own site or Amazon, B&N, Goodreads etc, twitter, facebook and several others that I've probably never thought of. If you help others promote, they will return the favor and you will reach a much broader audience than you could have ever hoped for!
7) Name three places readers can find you?
8) Tea or coffee?
Tea, absolutely! It has to have either sugar or honey in it though. I have a major sweet tooth, especially when I'm writing and I can drink cup after cup of it...the only problem is when I get too absorbed in the book and forget to drink it until it is cold. :)
9) Morning or night?
Night. I guess I was born in the wrong time zone or something but I much prefer being up later than getting up early. At 11:00 p.m. for me is the perfect time to start a project and it drives my husband crazy! I do get a lot of writing done in the night though with everyone else asleep.
10) Cats or dogs?
Dogs! Big ones. My favorite is the Golden Retriever. I had one in College that was wonderful. She was so loving and just unwavering in her caring. I loved that dog dearly!
Thank you so much for stopping by!
ReplyDeleteIt has been a pleasure to have you on my blog and hope your tour got well!
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