Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Guest Post by Douglas Boren

Sometimes people ask me when did I know that I wanted to write.  I have to say that my passion for writing was born out of my passion for reading.  I was thirteen years old when I discovered the exciting novels of Edgar Rice Burroughs.  I devoured everything he ever wrote.
A few years later, I read my way through all of Ian Fleming’s James Bond books, which were the rage at the time. As much as I enjoyed them, I found myself thinking, “I bet I could do this.”
But what influenced me the most was James Michener.  After reading his mega books of thousand page epics, I knew that’s what I wanted to do.  Historical fiction, with its excitement , can be educational as well.
I dabbled a bit in short stories back then, which received the (of course) praise of family, but alas those are lost to us all now.
 After that, life got in the way.  College, the military, a very demanding profession, two failed marriages, five children, and five grandchildren all kept my attention and very consciousness fully occupied.
When I finally retired early in 2000, I found that life was mine once again to fill however I wanted.  With great anticipation and pleasure I put pen to paper.
I was very gratified to have my first book published by a print on demand publisher.  Part of that experience was meeting other new authors who shared the same love of writing as I did, and I made some very good “author friends” as I call them.  Even though I have only met some of them online, I feel we are kindred spirits in many ways.
It was one of these friends who steered me toward my present publisher, Passionate Writer Publishing.  I have to say, they are great.  They are helpful, understanding, professional, and encouraging.  I had been sitting on Pirates Revenge for about a year, searching for the right outlet to publish it, and I am quite pleased that it has finally found a home.
Although Pirates Revenge is my third novel, it holds a special place in my writings.  My books are a collection of stories following a single family through history as they each face their own unique set of challenges and adversities. This is the beginning of what I refer to as the “Alexander Family Chronicles”, for it is the first in the long line of family characters that follow.  I chose to write about pirates as a favor to my wife, who suggested I do so, partly out of her inclination to romance novels, and partly due to the popularity of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.  It was her encouragement and support that kept me going during some frustrating times.
I hope that the readers of my books are drawn to my characters as much as I am.  It may sound funny, but during the development of my characters, I come to feel I know them as friends.  If they were real, I’d like to hang out with them. They seem that real to me.  I think that when that happens the reader is holding much more than just a book.  They are experiencing something alive.
Douglas Boren

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